Comma and semicolon rules pdf

No apostrophe is needed because there is no ownership. The rules about commas are straightforward and not difficult to learn. Spacing with punctuation periods commas semicolons colons question marks parentheses and brackets apostrophes hyphens dashes ellipses quotation marks exclamation points slashes. Do not use semicolon with a conjunction words like. Perhaps this is because these punctuation marks are reserved for stylistic usage the basics of written english require only periods and commas. However, used correctly, the semicolon can bring both clarity and nuance to your writing. If a plural noun does not end in s, add an apostrophe and s. Commas, colons, and semicolons commas are used to separate ideas, to set off special elements, and to set off quotations. Also use the semicolon when you already have commas within a sentence for smaller separations, and you need the semicolon to show bigger separations. If in doubt about whether or not to use a comma, read your sentence aloud and consider whether you need a. Used to link two closely related ideas sentences used to indicate a pause, longer than a comma but shorter than a period.

The semicolon is possibly the most misunderstood and misused punctuation mark in english grammar. Use a semicolon instead of a period when the ideas in two independent clauses are very closely connected and you want readers to expect more. For helping me finish this project, i would like to thank my parents, karl marx and god. For thousands of years the semicolons have endured the abuse. Throughout history the semicolons of punctuation island have been forced to live on the swampy side of the island by their more powerful neighbors, the period, comma, and the dreaded colon.

How to use the semicolon there are three uses of the semicolon. Ideally, you should rephrase the sentence to avoid repeated words. Leyland played the viola professionally for many years and he now conducts a. Using commas, semicolons, and colons within sentences.

A semicolon is used to join two related sentences, each with balanced meaning. Comma, semicolon, and colon rules flashcards quizlet. In dates, the year is set off from the rest of the sentence with a pair of commas. There are lots of rules about comma usage, and often the factors that determine whether you should use one are quite subtle. Use a comma to separate the city from the state and after. In certain uses, this is a reasonably accurate definition. The conference has people who have come from moscow, idaho, springfield, california, alamo, tennessee, and other places as well. If comma usage is one of the banes of your writing existence, then this handout is for you. Determine whether each sentence needs a comma or semicolon. Use commas to enclose clauses not essential to the meaning of a sentence. Of course there are rules for when to use a comma and when it is not necessary to use one.

Use a semicolon to separate units of a series when one or more of the units contain commas. If semicolons can link independent clauses that would otherwise have a period or a conjunction between them, that means they can demonstrate contrast, too. Because of the rules and examples of each, students who view the video. Mary, who was 32 years old javier, who was 28 years old and ming, who was 17 years old. Rules for finding and fixing comma splices and fused sentences. A colon is used to introduce lists of items, after the greeting of a business letter, and to separate hours and minutes in time expressions.

Keep these three things in mind when you use a semicolon. These nonessential clauses are called nonrestrictive. Punctuation 9 misuses of apostrophes do not use the apostrophe to form plurals. To separate items in a list that already has commas. There is only a verb, not a subject, so it cant stand on its own. Colons and semicolons should never be used interchangeably. Comma, use a comma after the first independent clause when you link two independent clauses with one of the following coordinating conjunctions. Semicolons the semicolon has three primary functions.

Basic rules for using commas and semicolons comma rules. The clauses because i was feeling unwell and if you want to. Click here for stepbystep rules, stories and exercises to practice all english tenses. Is the author thanking four peoplehis mother, his father, karl marx, and god. Commas set off parenthetical elements such as an appositive, which is a noun phrase or clause that renames or describes the noun directly beside it, and nonrestrictive relative clauses. The space needed after these punctuation marks is proportioned automatically. Semicolons and colons semicolons and colons intimidate many people because writers do not understand how these punctuation marks operate within the text. The washington monument, a massive obelisk, was completed in 1884. Commas or semicolons worksheet 2 heres an awesome 20 problem comma and semicolon worksheet. A semicolon is a form of punctuation that sorts out complex lists or links complete clauses.

Commas 1 commas and semicolons these are some basic rules regarding commas and semicolons. There are a few cases in which leaving out the comma can become confusing. Shared possessives possession is shared by more than one noun take an apostrophe and s on the last noun only, unless the. Im providing you only with the information related to some of the most common errors i see in student writing. In each sentence, a popup box is placed where punctuation might be needed. When in doubt, take the semicolon out and make two separate sentences.

The first example should be joined by a comma, not a semicolon. Semicolons join independent clauses and items in a series. Many companies make sugarfree soft drinks, which are flavored by synthetic chemicals the drinks usually contain only one or two calories per serving. As opposed to the comma, the semicolon principally separates related sentences. Or perhaps it is because these rarer forms of punctuation are rarely covered in elementary school grammar lessons. Determine whether to use a comma, a semicolon, or no punctuation at all. Thus, the semicolon separates groups of words that could be complete sentences by themselves. Even when the house looks clean, there is usually a bunch of dirt swept under the rug.

When listing always put a comma between the adjectives and nouns. The video also explains incorrect ways in which people mistakenly use these punctuation marks. The elements of an address or place name are separated by commas. To connect two related independent clauses complete sentences in order to emphasize a relationship between the clauses. Like commas, semicolons indicate an audible pauseslightly longer than a commas. My parents, who met each other in 1962, have been married for 50 years. Conjunctions thats your ands, buts, and ors can do that too. Link two closely related ideas that already have punctuation colon, dash, or comma in them example. Use commas, not semicolons, after an independent clause it could stand alone as a full sentence joined with another independent clause by a coordinating conjunction for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. Use a comma before the conjunction and, for, but, or, nor, so that.

On december 12, 1890, orders were sent out for the arrest of sitting bull. Comma rules, when to use commas in english 7 e s l. Clauses which are essential are called restrictive. Advanced comma rules the comma is an important organizational tool for the writer that ultimately helps the reader. Most often, you will hyphenate between two or more adjectives when they come before a noun and act as a single idea. Depending on the circumstances, one of two different punctuation marks can be used between the independent clauses in a compound sentence. Each of the following sentences needs either a comma or a semicolon.

If any part of the date is omitted, leave out the comma. Put a comma between every item that is listed, including the final comma before the and or but. Our rule 1 of spacing with punctuation states, with a computer, use only one space following periods, commas, semicolons, colons, exclamation points, question marks, and quotation marks. Use a comma to separate the day of the month from the year and after the year. Heres an awesome 20 problem comma and semicolon worksheet. Its useful to know that unlike a comma or a full stop, it is not necessary to use a semicolon. Define semicolon a punctuation mark represented by. Rules for finding and fixing comma splices and fused. Kathleen met her husband on december 5, 2003, in mill valley, california.

Find this semicolon worksheet on this page of punctuation worksheets. That something can either be the right conjunction or the period that turns a comma into a semicolon. Semicolons and colonsprovides students with the correct punctuation rules for using colons and semicolons in their writing. This office cannot accept your complaint, we have brought it before the appropriate. Place semicolons between items in lists if some items the list include commas. You need a comma plus something to avoid a comma splice. Use a semicolon in the appropriate place to separate items in a list in the following sentences. An independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence. Then explain why that punctuation mark best completes the sentence. Student choose either a semicolon or comma to complete each sentence and then explain their choice.

Many writers are confused about when to use a semicolon and when to use a colon. It is preceded by the incomplete idea believed to have been designed and constructed by greek scientists. Its no accident that a semicolon is a period atop a comma. The main rule for these punctuation marks is to use them sparingly. Most commonly, the semicolon is used between two independent clauses i. When to use connect two independent clauses with a semicolon to avoid a runon sentence or a comma splice biography tells us about the subject. Rules for comma usage how can such a small symbol cause so much trouble. My aunts lab is magnificent, but i have no desire to be a dog owner.

Use the semicolon if you have two independent clauses connected without a conjunction. Unlike a comma, a semicolon is a strong enough mark of punctuation to join two main clauses. The semicolon is a form of punctuation in the english language. Study the rules for the use of the comma, the semicolon, and the colon. They are problem sentences that contain two or more main clauses incorrectly joined together. How to use a semicolon punctuation english current. Of all the punctuation marks in english, this one is perhaps the most abused and misused. A semicolon isnt the only thing that can link two independent clauses. Both restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses may begin with a relative pronoun such as who, whom, whose, that, which. Every main clause contains an independent subject and verb and can stand alone as a complete sentence. Without commas, a reader would often have to go back and reread a sentence to understand what the writer meant. Use commas to provide more clarity, not more confusion, especially between repeated words. Using a comma instead of a semicolon in the sentences above would result in a comma splice.

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